High Speed DC Bioroles Automatic Boom Barriers

Bioroles Automation System Pvt Ltd has been a leading manufacturer of boom barriers for many years. Our automatic boom barrier gates are perfect for regulating traffic in parking lots and pedestrian areas. Featuring integrated technology, our parking barriers are ideal for locations such as toll gates, residential areas, and factories. They adhere to stringent safety regulations and undergo rigorous quality testing. We provide cost-effective barrier solutions that deliver optimal performance in extreme weather conditions with minimal maintenance. Our equipment is easy to install and requires little labor, ensuring a hassle-free setup.

What are Boom Barriers?

Boom barriers, often called boom gates, are devices used to control vehicle access at various entry and exit points. They consist of a long arm that can be raised or lowered to block or allow vehicles to pass through.

Why Boom Barriers are Important for Access Control

Boom barriers are essential for managing traffic and ensuring security in areas like parking lots, toll booths, and restricted zones. They integrate seamlessly with other access control systems, enhancing their effectiveness and reliability.

Types of Boom Barriers

Manual Boom Barriers

Manual boom barriers require human effort to operate. While they are cost-effective, they lack the convenience of automated systems.

Automatic Boom Barriers

Automatic boom barriers operate using electric motors and can be controlled remotely or through automated systems. They offer greater convenience and efficiency compared to manual barriers.

Intelligent Automatic Barriers

These are advanced versions of automatic barriers that incorporate technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT). They can make decisions based on real-time data, providing higher security and efficiency.

Technical Specifications

Materials and Construction

Boom barriers are typically made from robust materials like steel or aluminum to withstand harsh conditions and heavy use.

Mechanisms and Motors

The functionality of automatic boom barriers relies on high-quality motors and mechanisms that ensure smooth and reliable operation.

Control Systems

Control systems can range from simple remote controls to complex access control systems that integrate with other security devices and software.

Applications of Boom Barriers

Commercial Uses

In commercial settings, boom barriers help manage parking, secure entrances, and regulate access to sensitive areas such as loading docks.

Industrial Uses

Industrial applications include controlling access to factories, warehouses, and restricted zones, enhancing security and operational efficiency.

Residential Uses

In residential areas, boom barriers are used at gated communities and apartment complexes to manage access and ensure security.

Public Infrastructure

Boom barriers are crucial in public infrastructure, including toll plazas and government facilities, for managing traffic flow and enhancing security.

Benefits of Automatic Boom Barriers

Security Enhancement

Automatic boom barriers provide robust security by preventing unauthorized vehicle access and deterring potential threats.

Traffic Management

They help in organizing and managing traffic flow, reducing congestion in busy areas.

Ease of Use

With automated operation, these barriers are user-friendly and require minimal human intervention.

Durability and Reliability

Designed for heavy-duty use, automatic boom barriers offer long-lasting performance with low maintenance requirements.

Challenges and Limitations

Installation Challenges

Installing boom barriers can be complex and requires professional expertise to ensure proper setup and integration.

Maintenance Needs

Regular maintenance is necessary to keep the barriers in optimal working condition, involving periodic checks and servicing.

Cost Considerations

The initial cost of installation and ongoing maintenance can be significant, especially for high-end intelligent barriers.

Potential Malfunctions

Like any mechanical system, boom barriers can experience malfunctions that may disrupt their operation and require timely repairs.

Latest Innovations

IoT Integration

Integrating boom barriers with IoT technology allows for real-time monitoring and control, enhancing their efficiency and responsiveness.

Advanced Sensors

Modern barriers use advanced sensors to detect vehicles and automate operation, reducing the need for manual control.

Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient models use low-energy motors or solar power, reducing operational costs and supporting sustainability.

Customization Options

Boom barriers can be customized in terms of arm length, color, and branding to meet specific needs and preferences.

Future Prospects

Role in Smart Cities

As smart cities develop, boom barriers will be essential for efficient traffic management and enhanced security.

Integration with Autonomous Vehicles

With the rise of autonomous vehicles, intelligent barriers will need to communicate with vehicle systems to ensure seamless access and traffic control.

AI and Machine Learning

Future barriers will leverage AI and machine learning to make predictive decisions, optimize traffic flow, and improve security.

Comparative Analysis

Boom Barriers vs. Other Access Systems

Compared to gates and bollards, boom barriers offer a good balance of security, cost-efficiency, and ease of integration with other technologies.

Leading Brands Comparison

Comparing brands like FAAC, CAME, and Nice can help users choose the right barrier based on features, durability, and cost.

User Guides and Tutorials

Installation Guide

A step-by-step guide to installing boom barriers, covering site preparation, assembly, and integration with control systems.

Maintenance Tips

Tips for maintaining boom barriers, including lubrication, system checks, and troubleshooting.


Common issues and solutions for problems like barriers not lifting, sensor malfunctions, and control system errors.


Key Takeaways

Automatic boom barriers are critical for modern access control, offering security, efficiency, and ease of use. While they come with challenges like installation and maintenance, their benefits are substantial.

Future Outlook

Advancements in IoT, AI, and energy-efficient technologies will continue to enhance the capabilities and applications of boom barriers, making them integral to the future of smart cities and advanced access control systems.


Our High-Speed DC Barrier is an advanced access control solution designed to offer swift and efficient traffic management while ensuring high security. With its fast operation and reliable performance, it is ideal for various environments, including parking lots, toll booths, and industrial facilities.

Key Features

  • Swift Operation: Running speed ranging from 0.9 to 2 seconds ensures quick entry and exit of vehicles, reducing waiting times and congestion.
  • Versatile Boom Type: Available in mid-size straight boom type, suitable for a wide range of parking and access control applications.
  • Extended Reach: Capable of handling boom lengths ranging from 3 to 4 meters, providing flexibility in installation and coverage.
  • Robust Motor: Equipped with a DC24V motor, delivering reliable and consistent performance even in demanding environments.

Technical Specifications

  • Running Speed: 0.9~2 seconds
  • Boom Type: Mid-size, Straight
  • Max Length: 3-4 meters
  • Input Voltage: AC220 ± 10%, AC110V ± 10%
  • Frequency: 50/60Hz
  • Motor Voltage: DC24V
  • Enclosure Rating: IP54
  • MTBF: 2,500,000 times
  • Traffic Flow App: 1500 times/24 hours
  • Working Temperature: -35°C to +85°C
  • Max Motor Power: 240W
  • Max Motor Speed: 60r/min

Additional Features

  • High Durability: Designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions with an enclosure rating of IP54.
  • Optimized Traffic Flow: Capable of handling a high traffic flow of up to 1500 times per 24 hours, ensuring smooth operation even in busy areas.
  • Wide Temperature Range: Works reliably in extreme temperatures ranging from -35°C to +85°C, suitable for various climates and locations.
  • Energy-Efficient: Utilizes DC motor technology for efficient power consumption, reducing energy costs without compromising performance.


  • Parking Lots: Efficient management of vehicle entry and exit in parking facilities.
  • Toll Booths: Smooth operation of toll collection points on highways and expressways.
  • Industrial Facilities: Controlled access to industrial sites, warehouses, and manufacturing plants.
  • Commercial Complexes: Secure entry and exit points in shopping malls, office buildings, and residential communities.


  • Fast and Efficient: Swift operation with running speeds tailored for high-speed traffic flow.
  • Reliable Performance: Built to last with robust construction and advanced motor technology.
  • Flexible Installation: Adjustable boom lengths and versatile mounting options accommodate various site requirements.
  • Enhanced Security: Provides controlled access and prevents unauthorized entry with customizable access control options.

How Intelligent Automatic Boom Barriers Enhance Security and Efficiency

Automatic boom barriers have long been a staple of secure access control systems, ensuring only authorized vehicles can enter or exit a location. Traditionally, these barriers simply open and close based on manual or semi-automated triggers. However, with advancements in technology, intelligent automatic boom barriers are now transforming how we manage and secure vehicular access.

Seamless Integration with Access Control Systems

Intelligent automatic boom barriers seamlessly integrate with modern access control systems, including RFID tags, biometric scanners, and license plate recognition technology. This sophisticated integration allows barriers to automatically open upon vehicle identification, thus eliminating the need for manual intervention and significantly speeding up entry and exit times.


RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) tags attached to vehicles allow for quick and efficient identification. As a vehicle approaches the barrier, the RFID system reads the tag and, if authorized, signals the barrier to open.

Biometric Scanners

In high-security areas, biometric scanners can be used to verify the identity of drivers before granting access. This ensures that only authorized personnel can enter, adding an extra layer of security.

License Plate Recognition

License plate recognition technology uses cameras and software to automatically read and verify vehicle plates against a database of authorized vehicles. This method is especially useful in busy locations where speed and accuracy are crucial.

Enhanced Security through Advanced Identification

The integration of intelligent boom barriers with advanced identification systems enhances security by ensuring only authorized vehicles gain access. These systems create designated access zones where only vehicles with proper credentials can enter.

Designated Access Zones

By establishing designated access zones, security is significantly improved. Unauthorized vehicles are immediately flagged, preventing unauthorized entry.

Verification Methods

Advanced verification methods, such as RFID tags and license plate recognition, quickly cross-check vehicle credentials against a secure database. This rapid verification process helps maintain a high level of security in sensitive areas such as military bases, research facilities, and corporate headquarters.

Improved Traffic Management with Smart Sensors

Advanced sensors embedded in intelligent boom barriers can detect the presence of vehicles and adjust barrier operation accordingly. These sensors help maintain smooth traffic flow, especially during peak hours.

Detection of Vehicles

Sensors detect approaching vehicles and trigger the barrier to open or remain closed based on the vehicle’s credentials. This automated response reduces wait times and prevents traffic congestion.

Dynamic Response to Traffic Conditions

By dynamically responding to real-time traffic conditions, intelligent boom barriers can prevent bottlenecks and ensure a steady flow of vehicles. This capability is particularly beneficial in locations with high traffic volumes, such as commercial parking lots and toll plazas.

Data Collection and Analytics for Optimized Control

Intelligent barriers are equipped with the ability to collect valuable data on traffic patterns, vehicle types, and access times. This data can be analyzed to optimize access control protocols and improve security strategies.

Traffic Patterns

By analyzing traffic patterns, managers can identify peak entry and exit times and adjust barrier operation schedules accordingly. This helps in better managing traffic flow and reducing congestion.

Vehicle Types

Data on vehicle types can inform decisions about which vehicles are allowed access and at what times. For instance, delivery trucks might be scheduled for off-peak hours to avoid disrupting regular traffic.

Access Times

Understanding access times helps in planning and staffing security personnel effectively. It also aids in identifying unusual access patterns that might indicate a security threat.

Remote Monitoring and Management

One of the standout features of intelligent automatic boom barriers is their capability for remote monitoring and management. These barriers can be monitored and controlled from a central location, allowing for real-time troubleshooting and system configuration adjustments.

Centralized Control

A centralized control system allows for the management of multiple barriers from one location. This simplifies operations and ensures consistent security protocols across different sites.

Real-Time Troubleshooting

Real-time troubleshooting capabilities mean that issues can be addressed promptly, minimizing downtime and maintaining optimal operation. This remote capability is crucial for large facilities with multiple entry and exit points.

Safety Features for Accident Prevention

Safety is a paramount concern with any access control system. Intelligent automatic boom barriers are equipped with built-in safety sensors that can detect obstructions and automatically reverse the boom’s direction, preventing accidents.

Built-in Safety Sensors

Safety sensors detect objects or persons in the path of the barrier and prevent it from closing, thereby avoiding potential injuries or damage.

Automatic Reversal of the Boom’s Direction

If an obstruction is detected, the boom automatically reverses direction to prevent accidents. This feature is particularly important in high-traffic areas where the risk of collisions is higher.

Durability and Reliability in All Conditions

Intelligent automatic boom barriers are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and constant operation. Durability and reliability are key features, ensuring long-lasting performance even in challenging environments.

Weather Resistance

Built to endure extreme weather conditions, these barriers remain functional regardless of the environment, from scorching heat to freezing cold.

High-Quality Materials

Constructed from high-quality materials, intelligent boom barriers resist wear and tear, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and replacements.

User Convenience for Better Experience

Faster access times and seamless operation contribute to a more user-friendly experience for authorized personnel. By minimizing wait times and streamlining the entry and exit process, intelligent barriers enhance the user experience.

Faster Access Times

Automated identification and barrier operation ensure that vehicles can pass through quickly, reducing wait times and improving overall efficiency.

Streamlined Entry and Exit Process

A seamless entry and exit process enhances convenience for users, making it easier for them to move in and out without unnecessary delays.

Customizable Settings and Features

Intelligent barriers come with customizable settings and features that can be tailored to specific needs. For instance, barriers can be programmed to operate differently during peak hours versus off-peak times.

Tailoring Operations to Specific Needs

Customization ensures that the access control system aligns perfectly with the unique requirements of each location, improving efficiency and security.

Peak vs. Off-Peak Settings

By adjusting operations based on traffic conditions, barriers can manage flow more effectively, ensuring smooth operation during both busy and quiet times.

Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact

Modern intelligent barriers are designed with energy efficiency in mind. Many models consume less power than traditional barriers, reducing operational costs and environmental impact.

Reduced Power Consumption

Energy-efficient designs help lower electricity usage, leading to cost savings over time.

Use of Solar Panels

Some barriers are equipped with solar panels, providing a sustainable and eco-friendly power source that further reduces their environmental footprint.

Integration with Broader Security Systems

Intelligent automatic boom barriers can be integrated with broader security systems, such as CCTV cameras and alarm systems, to create a comprehensive security network.

CCTV Cameras

Integration with CCTV cameras allows for continuous monitoring and recording of barrier activity, enhancing site security.

Alarm Systems

Connecting barriers to alarm systems ensures immediate alerts in case of unauthorized access attempts, allowing for a swift response to potential threats.

Cost-Effectiveness of Intelligent Boom Barriers

While the initial investment might be higher, intelligent boom barriers are cost-effective in the long run due to their advanced features and reduced need for manual labor.

Long-Term Savings

The durability and low maintenance requirements of these barriers lead to significant savings over time.

Reduced Need for Manual Labor

Automation reduces the reliance on human intervention, cutting down on labor costs and improving efficiency.

Case Studies and Real-World Applications

To illustrate the benefits of intelligent boom barriers, let’s look at some real-world examples from various sectors.

Examples from Various Sectors

From corporate offices to industrial facilities, many sectors have successfully implemented intelligent boom barriers, reaping the benefits of enhanced security and efficiency.

Measurable Benefits

Case studies often show measurable improvements in traffic management, security, and operational efficiency, highlighting the practical advantages of these advanced systems.

Intelligent automatic boom barriers represent a significant leap forward in access control technology. By offering a blend of advanced features, improved security, and efficient operation, they are a valuable investment for any location requiring secure and streamlined traffic management. These barriers not only enhance security and efficiency but also provide a better user experience, making them an indispensable tool in modern access control systems.


  1. What makes intelligent boom barriers different from traditional ones? Intelligent boom barriers integrate advanced technologies like RFID, biometric scanners, and license plate recognition, offering enhanced security and efficiency over traditional barriers.

  2. Can intelligent boom barriers be customized to specific needs? Yes, they come with customizable settings that can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of different locations, ensuring optimal performance.

  3. How do intelligent boom barriers improve traffic management? They use smart sensors to detect vehicles and dynamically adjust operations based on real-time traffic conditions, preventing congestion and reducing wait times.

  4. Are intelligent boom barriers energy-efficient? Many models are designed for energy efficiency, consuming less power and, in some cases, utilizing solar panels for a sustainable power source.

  5. What are the safety features of intelligent boom barriers? These barriers are equipped with built-in safety sensors that detect obstructions and automatically reverse the boom’s direction to prevent accidents.

Bioroles Automatic Speed DC Boom Barrier

What are automatic boom barriers and how do they work?

Automatic boom barriers are arms that control vehicle access at entrances and exits. They use a motor to raise and lower the arm, and are triggered by various methods like remote controls, loop detectors (buried sensors that sense vehicles), or access control systems.

2. What are the different types of automatic boom barriers available?

Common types include straight arm for wide lanes and folding arm for space-saving applications.

What features are important to consider when choosing an automatic boom barrier?

Important features include opening speed for traffic flow, safety features like obstacle detection for preventing crashes, and compatibility with access control systems for authorized entry.

How much does an automatic boom barrier cost?

Cost varies depending on features, size, and brand, but typically ranges from a few hundred to thousands of Rupees.

How is an automatic boom barrier installed?

Installation involves civil works (foundation for the barrier post) and electrical connections by a qualified technician.

What kind of maintenance does an automatic boom barrier require?

Maintenance involves periodic checks, lubrication, and adjustments, ensuring smooth operation and safety.

What safety features are included with automatic boom barriers?

Safety features can include automatic rollback if the boom hits something, emergency release for manual operation during power outages, and safety skirts under the boom to prevent injuries.

Can automatic boom barriers be integrated with access control systems?

Yes, integration with access control systems allows authorized vehicles (via key cards, license plate recognition) to trigger barrier opening.

What are the benefits of using automatic boom barriers? (e.g., improved security, traffic control, automated access)

Benefits include improved security (controlling access), traffic control (organizing vehicle flow), and automated access (reducing manual intervention).

Where can I buy an automatic boom barrier?

Automatic boom barriers are sold by security companies, access control system providers, and authorized distributors. You can search online or contact these vendors for quotes.